Maximize Your Content Strategy Using Locals and Rumble

Maximize Your Content Strategy Using Locals and Rumble

Locals and Rumble recently announced their merger. While both companies will continue to operate as two separate brands, the merger offers significant benefits and opportunities to creators looking to strengthen their content strategy and grow their independence

Locals has proven to be a great solution for content creators looking to monetize their content through subscription. Free platforms drive growth and discovery. That’s where Rumble comes in. With over 40 million monthly average users (and growing!), Rumble lets you share your videos with a much wider audience, without fear of being censored. 



Here’s what one of our creators, Viva Frei had to say about the merger. 


Integrating both Locals and Rumble into your content strategy allows you to take advantage of the discoverability and ad revenue of a free speech video platform, while being able to offer exclusive content to your community and building a revenue stream from subscriptions on Locals.

The best part is you will be protected from Big Tech across your business. 

We are just at the beginning of integrating our technology and we have already begun to build an easy way for viewers on Rumble to discover your Locals community.  Once it’s connected, there will be a red ‘JOIN’ button next to the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button on your channel and all your videos. 

Here’s how to get to most out of it:

  • In your videos, point up to show people where to find the button to join your community.
  • Make your call to action match the button “Join me on Locals”. 


How to connect your Locals community to your Rumble channel