Perks and Promotions for your Community

Perks and Promotions for your Community

Discount codes

You can now generate unique discount codes for your followers and offer them exclusive promotions and deals on your content. This will help you to attract new supporters and retain your existing audience by providing them with added value and appreciation. Add a custom image to your promotion or discount codes to 


Mailing address 

We are excited to announce the ability to collect mailing addresses from members and supporters. With this new feature, you can now host giveaways and so much more through Locals. This will allow you to send physical prizes directly to the winners, making the giveaway experience even more enjoyable and rewarding for all. In order to enable the feature to collect mailing addresses in your community, email [email protected].

Dark Mode

Dark mode is a popular feature that allows users to switch the color scheme of the platform from light to dark, making it easier on the eyes and reducing eye strain, particularly in low-light environments.

Learn more about how to enable dark mode for the web and mobile app.